What Do You Want To “Be” in 2018?
New Years’ resolutions are mostly about doing more (i.e., exercise, family time, meditating) or less (smoking, poor eating, gossiping) of a behavior. Just look at current advertisements in the media to gauge the mindset of the masses – deals on treadmills, vitamins, weight loss products, gym memberships, etc. These goals are wonderful aspirations of concrete behaviors to stop or begin doing. And kudos to those of you who actually sustain them beyond the January honeymoon period.
But here’s an alternative spin on New Years’ resolutions. Have you ever considered setting a goal of how you want to “be” in the world? How you want show up? Some examples include being more accepting, more grateful, more patient, more present, more optimistic, more generous, etc. Or conversely, being less judgmental, close-minded, impatient, fearful. And, although there are concrete ways to demonstrate these goals, it’s more setting an intention of how you want to be in the world. For example, a goal of increased gratitude is not just the concrete demonstration of saying “thank you.” It’s about being grateful for the family and friends in our lives, the parts of our bodies that miraculously serve us every day, the beauty of clouds and the soft light of winter, the roof over our heads, etc.
The same concept can apply to any “being” goal. When you intentionally set a bigger container like this as a goal, you will start to notice the many opportunities life gives you to manifest them. And just like concrete goals, you will get tested and experience setbacks along the way. When that happens, you step back into your “being” goal just like you can resume healthful eating after a day of indulging in junk food.
If you want to explore this concept but have difficulty setting a “how I want to be” goal, consider completing these sentences for guidance:
I wish I were more __________________
I admire people who are______________
The attribute in other people I most admire is_________________
Not sure how to get started on a being goal? Come to an Embracing the Middle gathering (or host one). Regardless of the topic, they always include self-awareness, tools for more presence and the support of other women on the same journey.
My “doing” goal for 2018 is to cut out sugar. My “being” goal is to Embrace The Middle J What’s yours?
Wishing you all success in attaining your goals, health and joy in the New Year!