I love Autumn! I love the changing colors of the leaves, the drop in temperature and the softening of the light. I also love that it’s when we get to harvest what we planted in the spring and tended to in the summer; the time when we reap our harvest of crops and enjoy our bounty.
I consider midlife to be the Autumn of our lives. We have a bounty of life experiences, of knowledge, of wisdom, of experiences, of successes and failures, of joys and hardships. We embody these experiences and learnings and collectively they have made us wiser and stronger than ever before. And, because this bounty is part of us, we always have it available to guide us in awareness towards our future.
But some of us are stuck in time and not fully aware of our bounty. Instead, our fullness of life is tempered by outdated beliefs and behaviors that keep us frozen in time.
If you are anything like me, there is likely at least one area where you are stuck – it could be in your work, in a relationship, a belief about yourself, or perhaps a past hurt. And there is a good chance that you maintain a belief that this area “will never change” or that “it’s too late” or something similar. If so, that’s a limiting belief, which is likely propelling you to behave in a limiting manner, and thereby keeping you essentially frozen in time.
I’ve had first-hand experience of breaking free of outdated beliefs and behaviors and challenging what blocks me in order to pursue Embracing the Middle. And you cannot imagine how much more fulfilled and alive I feel than I was when in a profession that though I excelled in, drained me rather than nurtured me.
I am a firm believer and a practitioner of Embracing the Middle! It is never too late! A fuller life awaits!