Embracing Nudity In the Middle A few weeks ago, my older daughter and I had a “Tara-Mommy Day” at a Korean spa. We were excited to have some time together to hang out in the saunas and steam rooms and to try a signature Korean…
Embrace Connecting Not Impressing
I was driving my dog to her acupuncture appointment yesterday (can’t make that s#!t up), while listening to a summit talk entitled Mindfulness and Compassion in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression, when this line jumped out at me: “Think about connecting not impressing.” The…
Embracing the Sweet Spots
Embracing the Sweet Spots Yesterday something weird happened. I woke up to the lilting sound of birdsong and a brilliant sunshine streaming through the window and smiled (while still in bed!). When I opened the curtains, my smile broadened at the blooming flowers in the…
The Gift of Presence…Even in Silence
Last week, a coaching client (I’ll call her Jill) and I were debriefing her experience at the meditation morning I facilitated a few days prior. Jill hadn’t meditated before, and wanted to learn a few “how tos” to jumpstart her meditation practice. To Jill’s surprise,…
Making Room for the Broken Heart, Part 2: My Five Day Spiritual Journey
Making Room for the Broken Heart, Part 2: My Five-Day Spiritual Journey In my previous blog, I wrote about the value of creating time and space to heal. And just last week, I took my own recommendation to a new level by spending five (mostly)…
Making Room for the Broken Heart : Creating Time and Space to Heal
Last Spring, when my dad was in seemingly full health for an 89-year-old, I wrote an article for L’Chaim Magazine entitled Shiva: A Profoundly Mindful Judaic Ritual. I recounted the depth, sorrow, beauty and profound mindfulness of mourning my mom’s passing two years prior. Weeks after…
The Power & Beauty of Mourning
Earlier this month, my 89-year father passed away. He lived a long, extraordinary life and death. I am forever grateful for his journey and for our close relationship. It is too soon for me to write about him but I want to share an article…
Widening Our Emotional Container
I began writing this blog while my 89-year-father was in the ICU. In early May, he was diagnosed with metastatic cancer and weeks later his health began to rapidly decline. A day after my hasty arrival in New Orleans, an ambulance whisked him away for…
Embracing Covid Cravings
Here is a recap of last Thursday morning. My husband and I were in our bedroom getting dressed for a walk. (Our bedroom now also doubles as the gym so that our dog Nola can’t join the workouts). My husband remarked “I think I’m coming…
Embracing Gratitude, Compassion, Presence (And Nature!)
Like most of you, I’m discombobulated and worried. We are living in unprecedented times and conditions. None of us are exempt. For some of us, the concerns are immediate (Will I be able to make ends meet next month? Will I find toilet paper?) For…