1. Give and Receive Love Without Conditions
Nola always enthusiastically greets me with a wagging tail and toy (or shoe) in her month. Her welcome is the same whether I’m returning home after several hours or fifteen minutes, in a cheerful mood or a grumpy one. Nola’s love is consistent, steady, and free of expectations. Similarly, she knows how to fully receive love. She looks directly in my eyes and gratefully coos to all the tummy rubs, back rubs, and kisses offered.
We humans often complicate love with requirements and conditions—I’ll love you if… or I’ll feel worthy of love when…. Nola reminds me that love doesn’t have to be earned; it simply is.
2. Presence Speaks Louder Than Words
If anyone in the house is struggling or upset, Nola senses it. But rather than trying to “fix” the problem by suggesting solutions, she simply offers her sweet, loving presence. She will lean against you and, if allowed, lick you voraciously, as if saying, “I know you’re hurting and I’m here with you.”
Her presence is a soothing balm – a reminder that often times words are unnecessary. Just being there, fully present to another’s pain, can be the most loving thing we can offer someone in distress.
3. Raised Voices Are Unloving
Though fighting is rare in our household, Nola has an impressive ability to shrink back in dismay if voices ever raise in frustration—even if the frustration isn’t directed at her. Her reaction is a silent but powerful reminder that yelling or raised voices are like poison in the air that diminishes love.
This doesn’t mean disagreements should be swept under the rug. Nola’s gentle lesson is about how we handle those disagreements. Speaking with kindness and respect keeps the channel of love open.
5. Celebrate Joy Freely
Nola knows how to celebrate the simplest joys—a walk in the park, a good belly rub, or the sight of someone she loves walking through the door. She doesn’t hold back her enthusiasm or worry about looking foolish. And, her joyful mood spreads to those she loves.
In a world in which there is so much pain and fear, Nola’s exuberance reminds me to notice life’s daily
joys and share them with the people I love.
5. Forgive Quickly
If I accidentally step on Nola’s paw, she yelps and then, just as quickly, lets it go. If I lean down to apologize and check her paw, she greets me with kisses. There are no grudges or lingering resentment. She moves on with love intact.
Imagine how much lighter our hearts would feel if we forgave as freely as our dogs do.
Let Nola inspire you this month with her nuggets of wisdom on love – give and receive love without conditions, speak your truth calmly, offer your loving presence when someone needs support, embrace joy with your love ones, and forgive quickly and completely.
May your days be filled with warm hugs, wagging tails, and open hearts.